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Welcome to our neighborhood!

With over 600+ members, join us for the low ANNUAL cost of only $85 per HOUSEHOLD!  Prestonwood Homeowners Association members enjoy the following benefits:

  • Quarterly neighborhood newsletters of community events and local issues affecting Prestonwood
  • Social events such as Music in the Park, Fourth of July, Kitefest, Kiowa Creek Cleanup and more
  • Neighborhood in-person social groups like Wine Tasters, book clubs, mom's groups and others
  • Landscaped entrances maintained by your membership dues
  • Ad-free messages about lost pets, safety and security, municipal services and other important matters
  • And as an added bonus, if you renew your membership by Jan 31, you are eligible to receive a FREE gift.  You may choose from your curb number painted with the colors and logo of Prestonwood, a no solicitation wall sign or a no solicitation yard sign.  Membership is limited to one gift per year.  Select the gift you'd like to receive:
 No Solicitation wall sign    No Solicitation yard sign    Curb Painting 
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Prestonwood Homeowners Association, Inc.

PO Box 795682

Dallas, TX 75379


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