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Public Improvement District (PID)

The Prestonwood Public Improvement District (PID) is the only 100% residential PID within the city of Dallas which affords the neighborhood a level of safety above that of surrounding areas.  This year alone we've had 0 violent crimes in our neighborhood, while there have been 226 violent crimes in areas around us. Through funding from the PID, Prestonwood can maintain a 24-hr Dallas Police presence exclusively on call for Prestonwood residents.

The PID is up for renewal in 2024. PID petitions have been signed and sent to the City for Review.  As of May 22, 2024, the Dallas City Council gave its approval for the 10-year renewal of our Prestonwood PID. Next steps will be to finalize and execute our PID Management Agreement. A detailed schedule of PID activities can be found below.

PID Officer Mobile Contact Number


You may call the PID Officer at the above number anytime you feel threaten or need to report suspicious activity.  If at anytime you are unable to reach a PID officer immediately (i.e. responding to another call), call 911.

For information regarding online reporting of crime, go here.

Background: The Prestonwood Public Improvement District (PID) was first established in 1997 and renewed in 2004, 2011, and 2018. The Prestonwood area consists of approximately 1032 residential properties and the PID is managed by the Prestonwood Homeowners Association, Inc. Barry Klein is the VP and Treasurer of the PID and can be reached at 214.549.7470 or at Prestonwood HOA Board members can be found here.

Any complaints alleging unethical conduct or a violation of fraud, waste or abuse of PID policy can be filed with the Inspector General of the Dallas City Attorney’s Office.

Current Neighborhood Crime Stats

Prestonwood Homeowners Association, Inc.

PO Box 795682

Dallas, TX 75379


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