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Bulky Trash Pick Up Week

  • 02 Feb 2023
  • 7:00 AM
  • 05 Feb 2023
  • 11:30 PM
  • Prestonwood

Please place Bulky Trash items on your curb no earlier than the Thursday before Bulky Trash Week and no later than the first Monday of the month. The City of Dallas Sanitation crews drive the streets that Monday to determine how many trucks to assign for pick up so please have your trash out by 7:00 AM Monday morning. Trash should be placed on the streetside half of the sidewalk with the back half of the sidewalk clear for pedestrians.  

The City of Dallas patrols neighborhoods for Bulky Trash violators and has increased code enforcement. Violators are subject to a citation and a minimum fine of $200.00. To report debris in violation of the Bulk Trash ordinance, call 311 or use the City's mobile 311 app on your phone.

Prestonwood Homeowners Association, Inc.

PO Box 795682

Dallas, TX 75379


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